Acorn Lawn Tennis Club
Acorn Lawn Tennis Club

Events - 2025

Event Location Date Time
Annual General Meeting 7 Wychwood Close, Edgware, HA8 6TE Wednesday, 29th January 7:30 p.m.
Charity Handicap Doubles Tournament with fantastic refreshments, raffle, and auction in aid of Parkinsons Unit and Cancer Research UK Acorn LTC Sunday, 29th June TBA
15 Club Championships throughout the Spring and Summer for various age groups culminating in finals day with Wimbledon umpires Acorn LTC Sunday, 7th September TBA
Junior Tournaments throughout the summer Acorn LTC TBA TBA
Middlesex Summer League - 4 men's and 1 ladies' team - Middlesex Cup. (2 junior teams being entered for their respective leagues) Home and Away TBA TBA
National league (singles and doubles) starts early Summer Home and Away Sunday afternoons TBA
Valentin Cup handicap singles tournament Acorn LTC TBA TBA
Club dinner (with entertainment and presentations) Blue Check Restaurant, Bushey Wednesday, 26th November 6:45 p.m.